Sodelovanje je potekalo med OŠ Fram in osnovno šolo iz Francije. Zastavljen je bil kratkoročni cilj. Izmenjali smo si nekaj receptov in značilno vegetacijo za obe področji. (proložen working plan)
2. WISDOM BEYOND PROVERBS (priložen certifikat in nekaj dokumentov- every cloud, party in dig a trap)
The aims of the project:
– keeping the knowledge of proverbs and their meanings alive among young people,
– learning similar proverbs of the partner countries and finding out how similar they are and how they differ,
– enhanced language and ICT skills,
– enhanced group cooperation skills,
– getting to know peers from partner schools.
The partnership will use TwinSpace. The teachers will communicate via email and chats. The particular teachers in partner schools will be responsible for supervising the introduction of consecutive proverbs and uploading them onto TwinSpace.
Mid-September 2016:
The students in partner schools get to know one another – they introduce themsleves on TwinSpace.
November 2016 – April 2017:
Presentation of proverbs.
December 2016:
November 2016 – April 2017:
Exchange of emails among some of the students (those willing to do so).
April 2017:
Videoconference, publication of a mini-dictionary of proverbs.
The coordinating teachers will get in touch approximately every other week.
The students will suggest the proverbs to be presented, they will translate them into English and decide on the way in which they should be illustrated. With every particular proverb, the students will decide on the segregation of duties.
The Expected outcome:
A collection of proverbs in several European languages will have been completed after six month – published on TwinSpace. The students will have improved their language and ICT skills, and will be able to work as a aprt of a team better. They will be aware of the similarities and differences within the project languages. They will understand the meaning behind the proverbs. They will be open to make new friends.
English, español, polski, slovenščina
Age groups:
9 – 14
ICT, languages and literature, foreign languages